Mathew Wise

Mathew Wise

Major Gifts Officer

Mathew Wise serves as DLC’s Major Gifts Officer. Matt is responsible for developing strategies for the cultivation, solicitation, and stewardship of new and prospective donors with a special focus on major, multi-year gifts.

Mathew has more than 30 years of experience in development, community outreach, and business management and consulting in a variety of business settings—including education, retail, and government. Prior to joining DLC, Mathew served as a Major Gift Officer for his alma mater Mercyhurst University in Pennsylvania. Prior to that, he served as their Director of Development and Outreach as well as their Academic Success Advisor and Learning Differences Director.

Mathew earned his bachelor of science in social science from Edinboro University and his master of science in special education from Mercyhurst University, both in Pennsylvania.

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